About Hobbes The Corgi

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So far Hobbes The Corgi has created 171 blog entries.

Miss Clare’s Kindergarten Newsletter for November 9th

What an exciting week we have had! We not only had a school election, but we also started a new theme and had a speaker come to our classroom to teach us about how animals get ready for the winter. As usual we were still very busy completing our classroom routines and daily schedule. On

  • Crayons

November 13th Open House at Pembroke

Tell your friends and neighbors! Pembroke Kids' is having an Open House on Tuesday, November 13th from 1:00 pm until 7:00 pm. This is a perfect time to tour our school while classes are in session, or stop by later in the day after work. Meet our teachers, learn about our early childhood programs, and

Miss Clare’s Kn Newsletter for November 2, 2012

Despite the storm we were able to stay on track with learning about the United States. We discussed a few of the symbols of the United States including the bald eagle and American Flag. Students took part in a read aloud about the steps taken for the women's right to vote. The students explored the

  • Food Fight

Pin Oak Parkway Food Fight 2012

It's a FOOD FIGHT! And it begins TODAY, November 1st! Pembroke Kids needs your help! We are  joining Thogus Products, GL Direct and other Avon Lake Businesses on Pin Oak Parkway in a month-long effort to raise funds and food donations for Second Harvest in Lorain. Each of the participating businesses will be competing to

  • inclement_weather

School Closing or Delay Information

Here is what you need to know about local school closing information. Pembroke Kids will close if all Avon Lake District Schools close due to inclement weather. Pembroke Kids must close if there is a power outage, even if other schools in the area are open. So, where can you check to see if Pembroke

Miss Clare’s Kindergarten Newsletter for October 29th

This week we have been very busy exploring our national symbols. We learned that these symbols represent our country. The national symbols study will help us to get ready to discuss what the president’s job entails, the three branches of government, and how voting works. Our first national symbol that we studied this week is