About Hobbes The Corgi

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So far Hobbes The Corgi has created 171 blog entries.

Miss Sue and Miss Sara’s February 2013 Newsletter

We really enjoyed meeting with all of you during our two days of conferences. It is always nice to sit and chat about the progress your children have made in just a few short months. If you ever have questions or concerns our door is always open or send us an email and we will

  • pencils8

February Open Houses

There are two opportunities to visit Pembroke during the month of February. On Tuesday, February 5th, between 1:00 and 7:00 PM you can tour our school while classes are in session, or stop by later in the day after work. Saturday, February 23rd in the morning between 9:00 AM and Noon is another time to

Miss Clare’s Newsletter for January 25th

This week we were able to work on many different activities to enrich our learning experience about aquarium life. The students are still asking great questions and are curious to learn more. Writer’s Workshop has been very active! We are continuing to work with the animals that we researched at the Aquarium. Each student is

Miss Krista’s Kindergarten Newsletter; January 22, 2013

Our trip to the Cleveland Aquarium was a huge hit Friday! Due to a wonderful aquarium guide, helpful parent chaperones, and enthusiastic children, the trip was a success. Before we left for the trip, the students were briefly told of the animals they would see there. The point of the trip was for each child

Miss Clare’s Newsletter for January 18, 2013

This week we were able get a deeper understanding of the animals that live in the sea. We studied many different types of sea animals and completed many activities to go along with them. At the beginning of the week we read a non-fiction book about Whales. We then took the information we learned from

  • pencils6

January 23rd Open House

We're having an open house and invite you to tour our school while classes are in session, or stop by later in the day after work. Visit Pembroke on Wednesday, January 23, 2013 from 1:00 pm until 7:00 pm. Meet our teachers, learn about our early childhood programs, and explore our classrooms with your child.