About Hobbes The Corgi

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So far Hobbes The Corgi has created 171 blog entries.

Miss Clare’s Newsletter for February 22, 2013

This week we were able to work together to learn more about the solar system, and space travel. We were lucky enough to have a representative from NASA come to speak with us about the preparation astronauts go through before they go into space. He also walked us through what life is like for astronauts

Miss Krista’s Kindergarten Newsletter; February 22, 2013

Last Friday, Mr. Belser volunteered his time to speak to the kindergarten and first grade students. Mr. Belser is a pilot for United Airlines. He brought in a poster of what it looks like in the cockpit. He also brought in his pilot briefcase and showed the children all the maps he has to carry

Miss Clare’s Newsletter for February 15th

We started off the week with an exciting trip to the planetarium! The students were able to see different constellations and learned about how the further you are from the city you are the clearer the stars are in the sky. The students experienced the room getting darker and more stars appearing in the sky.

Miss Krista’s Kindergarten Newsletter; February 14, 2013

Let's Build with Boxes: As a whole group, I presented the children with three medium sized boxes. We discussed what we could build with them. After brainstorming many ideas, we decided to build a rocket ship. During centers, students decided where we would cut the box by drawing lines. Some children studied pictures in books

Miss Krista’s Kindergarten Newsletter; February 11, 2013

Cups in Construction Center: We have recently added red plastic cups to block area. With several hundred red cups to build with, the children have enjoyed building walls, pyramids, and a variety of other structures. This type of manipulative really pushed children to think outside of the box. We began using the new manipulative by

Miss Clare’s Newsletter for February 8, 2013

This week we have started learning about the universe. We are breaking the theme into three different sections. They will cover various areas related to outer space and flight. We started with learning about the Solar System and constellations, will move on to the sun and moon, and finish up learning about flight both on