About Hobbes The Corgi

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So far Hobbes The Corgi has created 171 blog entries.

Miss Krista’s Kindergarten Newsletter; March 14, 2013

Math Workshops: This week we have been doing math review. We have been doing a variety of math stations, ranging from 3D shapes to coin sorting. We began talking about different coin values and money combinations. We are working mostly with pennies and nickels to start. The children are learning to identify coin names and

Miss Clare’s Newsletter for March 8th

What a busy and productive week we have enjoyed! We wrapped up our theme on the Universe and Air Travel and swiftly moved into our Media Theme. We are very excited about our newspaper mural, which the students named “The Discovery Writers”, and are working very hard to provide the Pembroke community with news that

Miss Krista’s Kindergarten Newsletter: March 5, 2013

Math Workshops: We are focusing on shapes this week. In math journals, the children have been given a different shape each day. They must redraw the shape, write the name, and write down different attributes of that shape. For example, when we did the “square,” several children wrote: “it has four sides that are the

Miss Sue and Miss Sara’s March Newsletter

March is here and hopefully we will soon see our first signs of Spring. A big thank you to our Community Helpers that came in and talked to the children last month. Officer Ryan (Madison's dad) talked about being a police officer and gave out sticker badges. Mrs. Carducci (Leah's mom) a Physician's Assistant talked

Miss Clare’s Newsletter for March 1st

Exciting and educational are adjectives that describe this past week. We have gone further in our study of adjectives. The students have been working on describing nouns. The students have used various types of organizers and tools to work with adjectives. We took the opportunity to introduce synonyms to the students and they practiced this

Miss Krista’s Kindergarten Newsletter; February 28, 2013

This week, we expanded on our fiction writing unit. We began this style of writing by being the main character to our own pretend adventure. Over the course of the unit, we learned how to write a conflict and a solution to our story. We expanded our writing even further by using writing partners. Since