About Hobbes The Corgi

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So far Hobbes The Corgi has created 171 blog entries.
  • rainforest

Miss Krista’s Kindergarten Newsletter: January 28, 2010

We have had a wonderful past month learning all about the rainforest. The children really enjoyed exploring various aspects of the rainforest such as the animals, plants, and the ways that the rainforest is beneficial to us. The children were able to confidently discuss the rainforest layers, and animals that lived in each layer. They

Miss Krista’s Kindergarten Newsletter: January 24, 2011

Parent/Teacher Conference sign ups are posted outside of the classroom door. Please sign up to talk with me, view your child’s ongoing portfolio, and take home your child’s second quarter report card. Conferences are listed for January 31st and February 1st. Kindergarten classes will not be in session on these two days, and will resume

Miss Kim, Miss Theresa, and Miss Tiffany’s January 2011 Newsletter

Now that the cold weather and snow is here, children need to bring in their labeled snow clothes (hats, mitten/gloves, boots, and snow pants) every day. We will go outside each day as long as the temperature and wind chill is 20 degrees by 11 o’clock. A very important preschool skill is independent dressing so

Miss Kelly and Miss Beth’s January 2011 Newsletter

Happy New Year! Lots of exciting things have been happening in our classroom since the start of the new year! Over the past few weeks, the children have been learning about Winter. They’ve been learning about the thermometer and graphing the weather each day, creating many snowflake and snowman art projects, and even making and

Miss Robyn and Miss Sue’s January 2011 Newsletter

It’s officially Winter and we are taking advantage of the snow! The children have been measuring and recording the snow on the ground, painting it with eyedroppers and watercolor paints, measuring the temperature outside, and of course, playing in it!!! We have yet to go