About Hobbes The Corgi

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So far Hobbes The Corgi has created 171 blog entries.

Krista’s Kn Newsletter: March 1, 2011

DR. SEUSS THEME: We concluded our three week long study of Dr. Seuss this week. The children developed a stronger sense of rhyming words and phonemic awareness during this study. We played several sentence building games as well as grouping words according to word families. We ended the unit with a read aloud of

Miss Kelly and Miss Beth’s March 2011 Newsletter

Fine Motor Skills: Throughout our Zoo Theme, we have been practicing our fine motor control through a variety of cutting, tearing, and folding activities. A few of these activities include cutting zoo-themed paper in our sensory table, accordion-folding paper to form elephant trunks, and tearing construction paper pieces to make tiger habitats. These cutting, tearing,

Miss Kelly and Miss Beth’s Newsletter February 2011

We’d like to start by saying “Thank You!” to all of the parents who made it out for conferences. It was so nice to see all of you and share your child’s progress! Exploration and Discovery during our Polar Region Theme: During our final week of learning about Polar Regions, the children were ready for

Miss Krista’s Kindergarten Newsletter: February 14, 2011

DR. SEUSS THEME! This week we kicked off our author study of the remarkable Dr. Seuss. We have been keeping track of the Seuss books we have read in class by adding to a list displayed in the hallway. The students love having the opportunity to write the book titles on the list. We began

Jackson Pollock inspires Pembroke Kids’ Kindergarten Art Class

Ms. Krista’s Kindergarten class met last Friday to create their own Jackson Pollock inspired work. Using cotton duck canvas, sand, acrylic paint, brushes, sticks, combs, a flyswatter, ice cream scoop, and even a feather, the kids created their own masterpiece! The new painting on canvas is proudly displayed in the hallway outside of the Wiggle

Miss Kelly and Miss Beth’s Newsletter: January 2011

Upcoming Events—Conferences: Please sign up for a conference if you have not already done so. There is a sign-up sheet outside of our classroom door. Conferences will be held on Monday, January 31st, Tuesday, February 1st, and Wednesday, February 2nd. There will be no school on these days. During conferences, we will look through your