About Hobbes The Corgi

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So far Hobbes The Corgi has created 171 blog entries.

Miss Krista’s Kindergarten Newsletter; September 6, 2011

It has been an exciting first full week of kindergarten. We started the school year by studying the book “Chicka Chicka Boom Boom.” Most of the children are very familiar with this story. We used this popular story to play several alphabet games while working on letter recognition. Many of us participated in creating a

Miss Krista’s Kindergarten Newsletter: May 17, 2011

The end of the school year is quickly approaching. Although summer is very near, we have a lot of exciting things still in store for our kindergartners. We finished learning about chicks and eggs last week. We had an exciting unit learning about oviparous animals. We even had 5 chicks

Kelly’s Newsletter, April 18, 2011

APRIL NEWSLETTER THANK YOU: Thanks to all of the Dads and Special Guests who came to our “Donuts with Dad” celebrations.  It was a huge success and the children absolutely loved sharing their school day with their loved ones!  We will be having similar celebrations in May with our Moms (or Special Guests).  Please join

Miss Krista’s Kindergarten Newsletter: April 11, 2011

The past few weeks have been very busy in the kindergarten classroom. We began an author study of Mo Willems. This author has written books such as “Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus,” “Knuffle Bunny,” and the Elephant and Piggie series. The children have really enjoyed incorporating Mo Willems books into all areas of

Miss Krista’s Kindergarten Newsletter: March 14, 2011

Our theme on Community Helpers has been very exciting! The children have worked very hard to create a city in the construction learning center. We began the project a few weeks ago by listing all the buildings that a city would need. As each day passed by, students selected another building to begin construction on.

Do you know…

Events, dates, and Fun Happenings at Pembroke Kids! Did you know that Pembroke Kids is hosting a wine tasting at Nemo Grille? The information is in this newsletter! All the Pembroke staff is seriously hoping the worst of winter is behind us! Even we have had enough snow days! That being said, March is a