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So far Steve has created 100 blog entries.

The Artful Classroom

A child becomes totally engrossed, immersed in the process of making a work of art. The sensation of feeling the smooth thick paint sliding onto the easel paper calms the child and brings pleasure in the creation. When the child grapples with the challenge of representing an object or person on the page, she is

Motion and Op-Art in Our Kindergarten Class

Head over to our Digital Discovery Center website and check out Mr. Jeff's latest Kindergarten Art project. Ms. Krista’s Kindergarten class has recently been working on a unit exploring motion. Last Friday, we celebrated the art of Victor Vasarely and one of his contemporaries, Marcel Duchamp. We explored how we could create art that “moved”.

Miss Theresa and Miss Tiffany’s April Newsletter

Thank you to all the dads, grandpa’s and everyone else who joined us for “Donuts With Dad”. The children were very excited to have their special guests join them for donuts and fun in our classroom. Some of the favorite activities were building structures, playing in the moon sand, and the space scavenger hunt. Thank

  • Lets Pretend

Let’s Pretend!

Make-believe play is not only one of the great joys of childhood; it also offers abundant opportunities for children's development. Children develop interpersonal skills, particularly cooperation and conflict resolution, and improve their language and problem-solving abilities in pretend (dramatic) play. Around the age of 2, children begin to pretend to cry, sleep, and eat. They

  • Pembroke17

More Than One Kind of Smart

"He has a low IQ." "She's very intelligent." Sometimes we talk as though intelligence were a single commodity that people have in greater or lesser supply. Yet we see all around us adults and children who are very smart in math but not at all good with words, musically gifted but klutzy on the athletic

Process and Product

As adults, we are concerned with the outcomes or the product of our efforts. We want the report to look nice, the cookies to taste great, or the hedges to be perfectly straight. We participate in few activities just for the fun of doing them. In part this is because we are not still learning