We started the week off with the arrival of our baby chicks. We were not sure if we were going to have any eggs due to a technical difficulty with the egg turner in the incubator. Luckily, Miss Krista stepped in and took care of the eggs. We had a total of 8 eggs hatch. Unfortunately one of our chicks died, but it was a learning experience for the students. We showed our respect by having a ceremony and burying it in the field.
Having the chicks in the classroom has made learning about oviparous animals more authentic for the students. Being able to observe and interact with the animals, makes the students have a purpose for studying the animals. We have been working on oviparous animal sorts, information webs, and reading to find out more information.
In Math we have worked on some review this week. We did activities to review our knowledge of money and time. The students amazed me in their ability to remember so much of the information. We will continue to review for the rest of the school year.
Our Author Study of Laura Numeroff has continued and is still exciting our imaginations! We have been using our mentor author to model our writing. One method we imitated was using punctuation to add suspense and excitement into our pieces. We will end our unit by writing a class book inspired by Laura Numeroff.
Dates to Remember:
April 23rd- Muffins with Mom—9:00
April 26th-Art Show—12:00-6:00
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