This past week we began a unit on Healthy Eating as a response to the children’s interest in mixing and making things. Their favorite activities seem to have the common denominator of mixing being involved. They have enjoyed mixing paint, colored water, gel and glitter, glue and shaving cream, oil and water, baking soda and colored vinegar and lots more. So it was to our surprise when the Food Pyramid was what seemed to grab their attention. It was the topic of many questions and conversations, looked at in books over and over, and even the subject of several children’s art work! They still seemed to be enjoying mixing all the art materials, and mixing and helping prepare the food as we cooked, but they were/are “hungry for knowledge” and it showed/s!
This week we will be talking about Valentine’s Day and what it means to be a good friend. We will spend lots of time making valentines and artwork for our friends, singing and dancing with our classmates, and working together to decorate our classroom and hallway. This Tuesday, February 12th and Wednesday February 13th we will be having Show and Share in our room. The children are invited to bring in one thing from home to share with their classmates. This is a great opportunity for the children to practice talking in front of their peers, answering questions, and also to work on their listening skills. What a great way for us to learn more about each other!
THANK YOU to all who donated paper products and Valentine’s items over the past few weeks. We really appreciate it!
REMINDER: There is no school Monday, February 18th in honor of Presidents Day.
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