Wow what a week! I hope that everyone is staying warm with the power outages. Thank you to all of the parents who brought in all of the yummy treats on Wednesday for our Halloween party.
This week we have been learning about each part of the body and how it works. The students worked together to label each part of the body. After labeling they had to explain to the class what that part of the body does and why it is important.
In order to prepare of our upcoming election this week the students have been learning about the national symbols. This week we learned about the American flag and the Statue of Liberty. We read a story about the American flag. While reading the story the students wanted to know which states were the original thirteen colonies. We pulled out a giant wall map of the United States and traced around the first thirteen states. We then learned that the flag has been redesigned three times until congress finalized the flag act. The students were then put to the task to create their own flag to represent our fifty states and thirteen original colonies. The students came up with interesting ways to replace the stars and stripes. Some changed the stars to dots, some used squiggly lines instead of stripes, and some just changed the colors. On Thursday some of the students worked together to create the statue of liberty out of recycled items. Then on Friday the students learned more about Lady Liberty . We learned that the Statue of Liberty was a gift from France. We received it to honor our longstanding friendship. It stays in the New York harbor to guide our new friends moving our country. Next week, we will continue to learn more about our nations symbols.
Last week the students began writing spooky stories with a partner. This week we finished our stories in time to share them on Halloween. The students enjoyed listening and reading their stories to the class.
Upcoming events:
o Parent-Teacher conferences on Friday Nov. 2 and Monday Nov. 5 from 3:00 to 7:00 PM.
Hope you have a great weekend!
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