As spring is quickly approaching, we have been quite busy in kindergarten. Over the past month, we have been learning about the rain forest. The students are able to identify the various levels of the forest, as well as key factors that make the rain forest of importance to the rest of the world. The children were very excited to begin recycling paper in the room to diminish the number of trees being cut down. They have also done an amazing job of researching one specific animal.

We began our research when each child selected an animal they wanted to learn more about. We spent a few days asking questions and writing these questions down. The following week, we began looking in books to find the answers. After that, we introduced internet research. Students were able to generate more questions and I helped them find the answer on the computer. The children worked very hard researching and writing out their answers. This upcoming week, we will focus on publication. This will include typing out the animal information, generating a book title, and creating a table of contents. I am inviting families in to the classroom to be the audience as we share our stories during the Writer’s Celebration.

On Wednesday, March 14, I will have two times available for families to come in and listen to their child’s book. The morning time is 9am, and the afternoon time is at 2:00pm. The afternoon time is reserved for dads coming to school to participate in Donuts with Dads.

In the next few weeks, we will shift from a rain forest theme to planting and the water cycle. We are really looking forward to our upcoming trip this Wednesday to Green Circle Growers!

Keep in mind: Our aquarium trip is coming up on March 28th. We will not have regular classes that day. We meet directly at the aquarium. We also have several more kindergarten field trips before the end of the year, such as the Police and Fire Station. Spring Break is coming up soon. School will be closed from April 6-15. Your child’s third quarter report card will come home before spring break.

Parent Volunteers: If any parents would like to come in and read to the class, we welcome visitors daily at 2:45. On Friday, visitors are welcome at 11:45. Please let me know in advance if you would like to read a favorite family book to the class!

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