What a busy and productive week we have enjoyed! We wrapped up our theme on the Universe and Air Travel and swiftly moved into our Media Theme. We are very excited about our newspaper mural, which the students named “The Discovery Writers”, and are working very hard to provide the Pembroke community with news that is important. So far this week we have written articles on clothes, people, pets, comics, and much more. Miss Krista’s class is working with us to update the newspaper daily during Writer’s Workshop so our readers are able to have the most up to date news.
We were able to have two writers come talk to us this week. This gave the students the opportunity to learn more about the writing process, ask questions, and see how adults write in their jobs. First we had a published parent writer come into the class and discuss his journey in the writing field. He showed us some of his published books and told us about his career. Later in the week we had someone from “The Press” in Avon Lake, come talk to us about newspaper production. The students enjoyed both speakers, had many questions, and got more excited about writing their newspaper articles.
Math has shifted away from learning about measurement and now is looking towards finding different ways to make combinations of numbers. For example, we have been finding the different ways to make the number 10. We drew out examples and created equations that showed 10. We will be expanding upon this in the upcoming week. We will also be starting to look at common fractions.
We have been working very diligently on learning about the different parts of speech. We will now be working on growing our knowledge of punctuation. Earlier in the semester, we were focused on ending punctuation. We will do a short review and then work on apostrophes and commas.
We are currently reading a book called, The Chocolate Touch by Patrick Skene Catling. This book is about a boy who only likes to eat chocolate. He finds himself with everything he puts in his mouth turning into chocolate—even his trumpet! The students are enjoying using this book to make predictions and discuss how sometimes too much of something is not good!
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