Miss Clare’s Kindergarten Newsletter: October 5, 2012

If our students current aspirations are any indication of the careers they are going to have in the future we will have a very diverse workforce coming out of Pembroke. We have students in our class who want to be everything from construction workers to ballerinas. The first book we read in our new theme

Miss Tiffany and Miss Elena’s Mixed-Age October Newsletter

It’s hard to believe October is already here!  The children have done a wonderful job adjusting to the rules and routines of our classroom.  Now that the students have learned the routine of finding their names and placing them in the job jar, we are adding an extra step – signing in!  By taking their

Miss Chamberlain’s K/1 Newsletter 9/27/12

Wow, can you believe it September is over and we are quickly moving into October. Next week, on Tuesday, is our all school field trip to Burnham Orchards. Just a reminder the whole family is welcome to come. Also, we will not have school that day. This week one our students, Grace,  left to visit