Miss Clare’s Kindergarten Newsletter for October 19th

This week we focused on firefighters and police officers. We had a fire drill, talked about how firefighters and police officers help the community, had a visit from real firefighters and police officers, discussed why there are laws, and read about firefighters in our Weekly Reader. We also had an optometrist, a radiologist, and a

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Introducing K-8 Tutoring at Pembroke!

You're Invited! We're having an Open House on Thursday, October 18 from 4:00 – 7:00 PM If you or someone you know would like to learn more about our new tutoring program, here are the details! [fancy_list style="arrow_list"] Grades K-8 - all subjects - experienced, certified teachers Safe, convenient and affordable - as low as

Miss Tiffany’s Pre-K Newsletter: October 15, 2012

We had another successful school field trip to Burnham Orchards! The students truly enjoyed picking apples and pumpkins, watching the apple cider machines hard at work, and walking through the packing and delivery process. Their interest in apples and fall inspired our math and literacy activities. During meeting, we read several informational texts about apples,

Miss Clare’s Kindergarten Newsletter for October 11th

This week has been all about health. We talked about taking care of our teeth, our pets, and ourselves. We learned that doctors help us. We learned that dentists take care of our teeth. In order to have a better understanding of our teeth, we learned the names and functions of the three different kinds

Miss Chamberlain’s K/1 News October 10, 2012

What a week it has been! This week we split social studies between the topics of China and Community Helpers. We created a Venn Diagram to depict the similarities and differences between China and the United States. One fun fact we learned is that in China they celebrate a Ghost festival much like how we

Miss Chamberlain’s K/1 News 10/4/12

We all had a wonderful time on our field trip to Burnham Orchard. Thank you to all of the families who attended. This week the students have been learning about wants and needs. First, we brainstormed what want and need means. The students came up with examples; you want tools to build a shelter which