It’s hard to believe October is already here! The children have done a wonderful job adjusting to the rules and routines of our classroom. Now that the students have learned the routine of finding their names and placing them in the job jar, we are adding an extra step – signing in! By taking their name to the sign in table each day, the children are practicing name identification, letter identification, proper pencil grip, and proper letter formation. Each child’s name is placed in our job chart, giving students the chance to take responsibility and pride in being part of our class!
Our class has enjoyed learning about farms in preparation for our upcoming school field trip. They have enjoyed acting like farmers and shoppers at our farmers market in dramatic play. Many children have also enjoyed exploring the corn in our sensory table. They have used tools to fill containers, added corn to our balancing scale, and even turned a few items into musical shakers!
For the past month, we have been playing many shape and color games. We practiced shape names and introduced graphing skills by making a favorite shape graph. One of the most popular activities was a shape and color game called “What’s missing?” The children name the color and shapes set out on the floor. Then they hide their eyes and the teacher takes one away. The children then open their eyes and say the name and color of the shape that is missing! The students also enjoyed creating our colorful class shape book, which will remain in our class book basket for the remainder of the year.
We will be adding small group to our daily routine starting October 3rd. During this time, each teacher will take a group of four to five children to play games that focus on specific goals. These goals will range from name writing, letter identification, letter formation, shapes, colors, numbers, simple math problems, and much more! Children who are not in a small group will remain on carpet to work on puzzles, read books, or work with specific manipulatives set out by the teachers. Each student will be in a small group a minimum of two times per week. Our small groups will be changing throughout the year, allowing students the opportunity to work with all of the friends in their class.
Beginning October 17th, we will add journaling to our daily routine. This is a very important part of the writing process. Each child has their own journal with journal pages and crayons. The journal pages are blank paper with one black line towards the bottom of the page. We teach children the space above the line is for drawing a picture, and the space below the line is for writing our words. The children tell us what they are going to draw and then choose any spot in the room. Some students choose to sit at the tables, while others choose to lay or sit on the carpet and draw. During journal time, we play soft instrumental music to encourage the creative process. After drawing their picture, we encourage and assist children with sounding out their words. Many begin by giving the initial sound, and as the year progresses, they sound out words and even sentences on their own!
As we move forward through October, we will be working on sorting objects by one or two characteristics, listening to and following three step directions, as well as large motor skills, such as throwing, catching, kicking, balancing, running, galloping, and skipping.
A few reminders:
*Please check your child’s extra clothes box. Many boxes are filled with shorts and t-shirts that could be replaced with sweatpants and long sleeved shirts for the cooler weather.
*Please dress your child for the weather. Many children have been wearing their rain boots and rain coats, which is perfect! We will be going outside to play in all types of weather – sunshine, rain, wind, and snow! Please be sure any new boots and coats are labeled with your child’s name!
*Parent volunteers are always welcome! Please let us know if you would like to come in our class at any time. Many children love having their special person come in to read a story at the end of the day.
Important Upcoming Dates:
*October 2: All school field trip to Burnham Orchards. (The school building is closed on this day).
*October 12: NO SCHOOL
*October 26: Trick-or-Treat and dessert potluck at Pembroke Kids from 5-7 p.m. The whole family is welcome to join! Dress up and enjoy trick-or-treating at the classroom doors and dessert in the wiggle room!
*October 31: Black and Orange/Halloween T-shirt day. Please NO COSTUMES at school! We will have a class Halloween Party! Sign-up sheets for donations will be posted outside the classrooms later in the month.
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